
Stress Relief with Tibetan Singing Bowls – 11 Minutes

Hi Xinchers! Every week videos will be posted to help you with releasing stress. I have the attention span of a gnat, so sitting still to meditate for more than 5 minutes is hard. I was recently introduced to the Tibetan Singing Bowls and the Tseyang Yoga video on YouTube is very relaxing. I play it when I’m soaking in a nice bubble bath after a long day with candles and a Long Island IceTea (no judge zone 😉 I use this time after work to reset.

5-Minutes Meditation

If you prefer traditional mediation, the 5-Minute Meditation by Goodful on YouTube is a nice way to start the day, end the day or use throughout the day.

Motivational Message

Someone needed to hear this motivational message today. This Motivation Skills YouTube video has a beautiful message “The Power of I AM”  from Joel Osteen.


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